how to make wordpress private while working on it

Pinterest, WordPress

Did you want to lock your website so that nobody we see your site on searching engines like,, and

If so? There are several reasons you may want to have a private blog. You may want to keep your blog private when you are first configuring things to avoid having people see your blog “under construction”. You may also want to create a blog that is not intended for a large audience, but rather just for family and friends.
Either way, I am going to show you a simple way to password protect your blog so that only those with the password can access it.

Follow steps by steps

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard by going to (replace “” with your domain or read how to hide Wp-admin areaWordPress setup1

  2. Go to “Plugins ==> Add New” and search for “password protected”WordPress setup 2

  3. In the search results find the plugin names “Password Protected” and click “Install Now”. Click “Activate Plugin” on the next page.

  4. Navigate to “Settings ==> Password Protected”. Check the “Enabled” box and enter in a new password. Click “Save Changes”.
    Now anyone who tries to access your blog will be prompted to enter the password in order to view your blog.WordPress setup 3

Into ReadHow to start a blog using domainking

Please note: This method does not a password-protect image or uploaded files, but someone would have to know the exact URL of the image in order to access it. The primary way someone would learn the exact URL of an image on your blog is through search engines. Because of this, it is a good idea to navigate to “Settings ==> Reading” and check the box that says “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” then click “Save Changes”. This will help to prevent your blog from appearing in search engine results.

Conclusion guide

Now you have done and successful lock your website to private that means nobody can access or view your post on the internet anymore if you which to set your website to private then this article is for you, awaiting for your positive comments, and don't forget to share the tutorials if you find it helpful.


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