Understand URL structures seo

Did you know they are so many bloggers out there who really didn’t know the function of URL and how a URL work? So today we’ll be treating topic “understanding the URL structures”, Anatomy of a Uniform Resource Locator. These are standard page site or individual file) has a unique URL.
URL works a lot like postal address, URL can either be absolute or relative and is the step Brother of IP, means internet protocol, it works with to URL to display the information a user request for, or to do.


An absolute URL show the entire path to the file including the scheme, server name, the computer path, and the file name itself. An absolute URL is analogous to a complete street address, including name, street and number, city, state, zip code, and country. No matter was a later is sent from the post office will be able to find the recipient.
In terms of URL, this means that the location of the absolute URL itself has no bearing on the location of the actual file referenced that is, whether it is a personal computer. An absolute URL will do exactly the same. When you are referencing a file from someone else’s server, you will always use an absolute URL. You will also need to used absolute URLs for the FTP site, Newsgroup, and E-mail address, in short, any kind of URL that does not use an HTTP Protocol.


To give you directions to my neighbors how instead of giving her complete address might just say “it is three doors down on the right” the is a relative address, that is, where it points to depend on when or where the information is a different city, you would never find my neighbor in the same way. Relative URL describe to the location of the desired file with reference to the location of the file that contains the URL itself so, you might have URL say something like “show the XYZ image that is in the same directory as the current file thus the relative URL for a file that is on the same directory as the current file (that is the one containing the URL in question) is simply the file name and extension you create the URL for a file in a subdirectory of the current directory with the name of the subdirectory follow by a forward slash and the name and extension of the desired file.

Example of URL?

URL as shown below https://www.myschooltutorial.com/tag/tutotial/bio.html or other url are ending with .html the full URL can be divided into the following components.


https: this specific the protocol the browser will follow to request the file.

www.myschooltutorial.com: this is the domain of the website or URL and it points to the general website such as the one represent while the file resides, a domain may host a few files like ( a personal website or a million of file like E-commercial website, hosted in same domain host company Domaining.

Like I said:

 /tag/: thise is a path and it names the sequence of folders through which you must navigate to get to a specific file.

Tutorial/: this specifies the file which is a directory path to the browser we access information.

MySchoolTutorial: this is the name of the server on which every information about MySchoolTutorial is hosted.

 www: this stand for world wide web

.com: this is the extension name and it means commercial another include “org” means an organization, “Edu” for Education etc.


Those component examples of the URL, structures of URL, relative URL and so many more other out they, Myschooltutorial work hard to serve you better so if you have any question please don’t forget to hit comment on this post and again to share this post with friends and stay turn with MST.


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