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According to mark Abahi, a library can be defined as a Scientific collection of storing book, information or material in other to be used in the staff, school, office etc.
Publication explosion and multiplicity of human learning and function gave birth to the need to have the deferent type of library. Since information material ware been collated in large numbers, the need for separating those materials base on the functions they perform became inevitable. For example, King Mavely of Nifafa ‘s library that consisted of about 40,000 days tablets, definitely had materials on a region, commerce, history etc. the need to separate all material on the region, education etc arose, giving birth to a deferent type of library.
In addition, they used to be libraries that ware purely devoted to a particular function, like those in temples. Those type of library equally grew in the specific function they perform and developed into the type of library they belong to, in the present dispensation.
The modern library has different types developed to serve various kinds of interests and users. The functions they perform and the kind of people, or organization they serve dictates their type. The following are the common type we have.

Private libraries
Academic libraries
School libraries
Subscription libraries
Public libraries
National libraries
Special libraries
8. Bookless libraries
9. Data libraries
10. Universal libraries
11. Multimedia libraries
12. Hybrid libraries

Private libraries

Private libraries are the types of library owned by an individual in a given community. Such owners have exclusive control over the library. The collection cloud is kept in either a separate room in their hose, offices, school staff and accommodation designed for it. The holding of a private library is characterized by the interest and discipline of the owner. In most case, the organization of such libraries is base on the convenience of the owner but there are cases where qualified personnel is employed to both organize and administer them.
Academic library
An academic library is a library that is attached to a higher institution which serves two complementary purposes to support the research of the institution’s staff and students. Libraries attached to University, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology, Colleges of Education and other post-secondary institutions are academic libraries.
Functions of academic libraries
1. To provide active support for teaching and researching by academic staff in the subjects of the curriculum and in their special areas of research interest.
2. To provide conclusive study areas for library users.
3. Academic library’s main function is to support their parent organization in achieving the organizational objectives.

School Libraries

A school library or school library medical center is a library within a school where students, staff and often, parents of public state or private fee-paying school have access to a variety of resources. The goal of the school library media center is to ensure that all members of the school common unity have equitable access to books and reading or information community Technology. It is the first exposure to information of University, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education.

Function school libraries

  1. It provides background materials, which would supplement class teaching

  2. Aid student in making reasonable use of their lecture

  3. To help increase cultural awareness in children through its collection

Subscription libraries

This is a situation whereby a library is owned partly by private and partly by the public. It is a library whereby a user will be a registered member by Subscription. Subscription library did not come time light until 19th – 21st centuries. Most of these libraries were set up by an association of scholarly professional groups for the benefit of academic, institutions but their membership was opened to the general public. The membership is renewable quarterly, bi-annually depending on the board of governing council’s discretion. Example of such library is Library Company of benpoly.

Public Libraries

The public library is regarded as a library set up for the purpose of providing service to everybody in the community. It is mostly referred to as a layman’s University. It more or less a universal library because while other types of libraries are meant for a specific group of users, public library is not restricted to any group of users.

Function of public libraries

  1. to act as the apex center for the promotion of community cultural life and appreciation of are

  2. to supporting oral tradition

  3. ensuring access for citizens to all sorts of community information.

  4. Serve the community with reliable information

National libraries

National library is defined as a country’s highest library. It is the library that services other libraries in a country and provides for overall library and information services need of the country. The National library act which made provision for the establishment of the second National library of Nigeria was passes in 2010. The second National library was also opened to the public in 2013.

Function of National libraries

  1. To establish and maintain a branch of the National library in each state of the federation

  2. To give advice in the development of library to any agency of the federal government

  3. To have responsibility for National Bibliographic services.

Special libraries

A special library is library which is part of a company, organization, or other group. The library meets the needs of the specialized group.

Function of special libraries

  1. It Provide comprehensive and balanced information resources relevant to the activities of its parent organization.

  2. It produces and disseminates current awareness services based on the profiles of individual users.

  3. To conduct retrospective search for users as appropriate.

Bookless libraries

Bookless libraries are public, academic and school libraries that do not have any printed books instead they all digital collections of library works, reading material and scientific and academic research material. A bookless library typically uses the space that would have once been used for books to offer public computer e-readers and other digital media.

Data libraries

Data library is a collection of numeric and or geographical patial data sets for secondary use in research. A data library is normally part of large institution academic, Corporate, scientific, medical, government, etc) established to serve the data users of that organizations, the data library tends to house local data collection and provides access to them through various means (CD-DVD-ROMS or centre serve for download).

Universal libraries

Universal library is a library with universal collections. This may be expressed in terms of containing all existing information, useful information, all books, all works. (Regardless of format or even all possible works. This ideal, although unrealizable, as influenced and continues to influence libraries and other and to be a goal which is aspired to universal libraries are often assumed to have a complete set of useful features, (such as finding aids, translation tools, alternative formats etc.)
Multimedia libraries
A Multimedia libraries is a public institution functioning as a library, containing not only paper and electronic books, newspaper and magazines, but also multimedia materials likes video 9 movies, documentaries) and sound recordings (music, audio books).
A multimedia library, which sense strict-contain only books and e-books. Multimedia by definition includes also pre-digital non-book materials.
Hybrid libraries
Hybrid library is a term used by librarians to describe libraries containing a mix of traditional print library resources and the growing number of electronic resources. Hybrid libraries are mixes of traditional print material such as books and magazines, as well as electronic based material such asdownloadable, audio books, electronics journals, e-books etc. hybrid libraries are the the new norm in most public and academic libraries.


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